Pink Please !

I often have the feeling that the society we live in is based on misconceptiosn that we learn from childhood, so is the idea that pink would be a color for girls!


The truth is that a hundred years ago this idea was just the opposite, and that once again demonstrates that society is the one that requires and changes the rules, and we do nothing but to complain and believe it on the word!


At the beginning of the 20th century, pink was considered a "determined and strong" color, and so was attributed to the boys, and blue was more "delicate and graceful"so it went to the  girls, "a 1918 commercial publication states that this is the generally accepted rule"!


My question is why should we assign certain colors to a particular genre and set ourselfs  limits? These limits go far beyond the style of clothing, and besides setting our rules, we cherish our courage and lead to situations where we judge people through aspects as insignificant as the "blouse color".


This is why many people are cautious about using pink in arranging a home or some space and I ask you to find in you the courage to not refer to "rules of conduct" and to give yourself more freedom!


After the little "lesson" above is the question: How do we use pink in a fitting?


My advice to go all the way! that is, to have the courage to use it on a large surface, in contrast to some dark colors and not to be afraid to associate it with red!


When I was little, I had a clear idea that red and pink  are two colors that you can not use in the same context, but then I realized that it is actually a combination of effervescent and delicate at the same time, extremely natural and of visual pleasure.


If you do not have enough courage, you can still use pink as a color accent with accessories or perhaps even a key piece of furniture such as dining chair or sofa!


If you want to create a combination of colors, pink looks great with  forest green, colored grays, orange or purple.


 In terms of materials, the pink color looks good both near a wooden surface or piece of wood furniture and in addition to cooler elements such as white or black marble.


I hope I have been able to present you an idea that at least generates  pice of courage in you, and because today is February 14 I wish you “Happy Valentine's Day! "And I want you to love unconditionaly and say that out loud!